Land Drilling or Completions
Offshore Drilling or Completions
No matter where in the world or the challenges that face us, there is always a solution. We thrive at major challenges and am eager to hear what you mave in place for us to take on. There is nothing we can't do.
We have the most reputable companies in the world at our finger tips for any Drilling or Completions Projects. No matter the depth or the isolation of the field to be developed Benali Energy welcomes the challenge.
The Integrated Project Management Team is led by the most experienced personel with 40+ years behind their back and a team of extremely professional consultants and hand built relationships throughout our team, this is by far the strongest division of Benali Energy.
With unlimited aggregate and equipment to move it there is no construction project we can't handle anywhere in the world you need services it can be planned and executed efficiently.
Integrated Project Management
Civil Earthworks
The following services are executed by handpicked contractors that follow the Benali Energy way of execution, Preplanning and Communicating even the simplest of tasks. Projects then grow with precise, efficient execution. These are just four main services provided we have much much more.